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​​​Our brand has a Unique perspective on Military Awareness.

We support Veterans with our Services, Assistance and Resources.

With Informational Seminars at Various Venues.

Veteran Benefit Booklets And Forms.

VA Health Care Benefits.

Veteran With Service Connected Disabilities.

Education & Training Resources.

Translate Military Skills Into Civilian Equivalent.

P.T.S.D Counseling and consulting Veteran prior to Veteran evaluation hearings.

Burial Benefits Information and Resources Eligibility.

Dependents & Survivor Benefits Information and eligibility VA form 21p-527ez.

Presidential Memorial Certificate

Scattering of cremation at sea Burial-at-sea/

Burial and Internment in state cemetery VA form40-10007 cemeteries

Veteran Burial Reimburse if veteran death that is service connected,VA will pay a burial allowance up to $2,000.

VA will pay the cost of transportation the remains of service- disabled veteran to Nation Cemetery that has available sites nearest the home of the decease veteran.

The person who bore the veteran burial expenses in such case may claim disbursement from VA

Burial Flag, benefits/burial_flag

Community outreach Program.

Annual Coat Drive.

Free Notary  Services for Veterans.



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